
Performance Dates

texts&beheadings/ElizabethR is a new American play that explores the life and language of England’s greatest queen. Created and directed by Karin Coonrod and drawing on the Folger collection of Elizabeth I’s letters, the play uses Elizabeth’s own words to reveal her wit, courage, and extraordinary love of her people. Multi-lingual and insatiably curious, Elizabeth survived disinheritance, excommunication, and imprisonment to emerge triumphant. Four actresses portray the resilient queen and allow us to marvel at her theatrical brilliance. Through poems, prayers, and private letters, the woman who swore that she would not make windows into men’s souls reveals her own.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
60 minutes



Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for plays
Lighting Designer
Adapted From
poems, prayers, private letters of Elizabeth I
Carol Clark, Production Stage Manager