Courtney Naughton

an asian american person in a black shirt with short dark hair, dark eyes, and tan skin. they have been photographed from the shoulders up against a grey background and are highlighted in a cool toned front light. they give a small smile toward the camera.
Crew Member

Courtney Naughton (they/them) is a queer, Asian American performer, technician, and designer based in Maryland. New to the DMV, they were one of Imagination Stage's production apprentices for the 2022-23 season, working on the deck for Nate the Great and Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed; running sound for In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson (tour from HTY) and The Hula Hoopin' Queen; and otherwise assisting the electrics and scenic departments between shows. They have experience in lighting, sound, scenic, props, ASMing, stage- and voice acting, graduating in 2022 with a BA in Theatre and Dance from Colby College.