The Trump Card

Performance Dates

Mike Daisey takes on the reigning world heavyweight of self-mythologizing, the short-fingered vulgarian who captured a nation’s heart through bullying, charm, one-syllable explosions, and occasionally telling the brutal truth: Donald J. Trump. Daisey tells Trump’s story from his earliest days, tracking him as he makes himself into a new American archetype—the very first rich man famous exclusively for being rich. Daisey weaves the Donald’s story alongside the evolution of the American oligarchy and the rise of dark money, a new ruling class empowered by a country trained to worship at a 24 carat solid gold super classy altar. Instead of dismissing Trump as a simple con artist and huckster, Daisey breaks down what makes Trump tick—and in doing so illuminates the state of our American Dream and how we’ve sold it out.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes

Creative Team
