Oh, God

Performance Dates

God comes knocking on the office door of a psychotherapist and single mother named Ella. Each have been battling low-grade depression. God’s biggest concern stems from a fear that, after all, He does know everything, as He amply demonstrates – He has been steadily losing his power. Perhaps a global do-over is in order? God wrestles with his own historic response to Job who suffered immensely for no good reason. He’s compelled to look at more immediate examples of suffering and the cost of maintaining so much power in a world filled with inequality. Ella is experiencing her own challenges, and believing in God is just one of them. With a clash of quotes from Genesis and the Prophets, framed by a modern-day wit, Oh, God will appear as part of Mosaic Theater's 2016/2017 Workshop Series.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes



Creative Team

Adapted By
Translation by Anthony Berris