Live Garra Caribbean Theatre Festival

Performance Dates

Nutmeg & Cocoa written by Harlan Penn - Is a Romeo and Juliet story based around the invasion of Grenada in 1983.  A young girl falls in love with an American student and her brother is a member of the resistance... Can love triumph where peace evades?

$30 Festival Ticket package includes: an invitation to the Caribbean Culture week kick-off festivities and the featured full-length performances of "Nutmeg & Cocoa" and "Resident Alien" any evening/matinee of your choice. KICK-OFF: Opening week reception: Play reading of MELTING POT BLUES by Chris Gardiner / Caribbean food & Music by "Pan Lara" Steel drum band


Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer