Latina Supremes

Performance Dates

Classic pop by Latina Songwriters!

6 countries, 
14 songwriters, 
3 generations of Latina musicians.

In salute to DC's Women's Voices Theatre Festival, The In Series presents a brand new cabaret written and directed by Elizabeth Pringle; featuring hit songs by Latina songwriters.

Songs by trailblazing composers from Chile, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Puerto Rico, and Cuba!
Come hear popular hits such as Besame Mucho, Gracias A La Vida, What A Difference A Day Made, & more. At the piano, the amazing lady of the Romantic Song, Mari Paz, and special guest Gary Sosias on percussion.

Join us as we kick off a new season with a passionate, informative evening full of rarely heard gems, and popular hits spanning from the 1920's to today.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes

Creative Team

Set Designer
Musical Director
Lighting Designer