GEORGIE: My Adventures with George Rose

Performance Dates


It’s all about the story, George Rose would instruct fellow actor Ed Dixon over the course of their 20 year friendship. And boy, did Georgie have quite a story. A bon-vivant with a flair for the dramatic and the eccentric, Rose starred on Broadway and London stages alongside luminaries like Katharine Hepburn, Noel Coward, Dame Edith Evans, Richard Burton, and Laurence Olivier in a storied career that met an ignoble end.

Filled with “witty reminiscences” and “tantalizing us with anecdotes, snippets of song and dance and Dixon’s pitch perfect impersonations of the colorful and famous” (Berkshire On Stage),Georgie is a one-man, one-act play that is as hilarious as it is poignant and powerful.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes



Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Lighting Designer