DAMES AT SEA Directed by Randy Skinner

Performance Dates
Annapolis’s Tap-Happy, Navy-Crazy Musical! Hey there, sailor - global economic crisis gotcha down? Maybe you’re dreading another year of election nonsense on the news? Or just plain feeling like the world really will end in 2012? Well then, "Sweep your glooms away with a song!" It's the story of Ruby, the sweet, innocent girl who takes a bus to razz-ma-tazzy NYC and instantly becomes a star of the Broadway stage, while falling in love-at-first-sight with a songwriting sailor named Dick. But where will Ruby and the other Broadway beauties shine when the theatre is suddenly torn down? On a Navy battleship, of course, where Dick and his best pal Lucky get their wish – Dames at Sea!

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
120 minutes



Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for musicals
Musical Director
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Associate Director & Choreographer - Emily Morgan