A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline

Performance Dates

Follow Patsy Cline's climb to stardom from her hometown in Virginia to the Grand Ole Opry, Las Vegas, and Carnegie Hall! Patsy's enduring musical legacy is witnessed by the fact that she is the number one juke‐box play in the world. Her Greatest Hits album has sold over 9 million copies, and was ranked number one for over 200 weeks of the 700 weeks it was on Billboard's "Top Country Catalog Albums." On March 1, 1995, Patsy was memorialized with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and on August 3rd, 1999, she was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
120 minutes


Little Big Man/Et. Al.
Patsy Cline

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Musical Director
Sound Designer
Book Writer
Lighting Designer