Performance Dates
In this beloved classic (now infused with live music!), Fern, a soft-hearted farm girl, forms an unlikely bond with Wilbur, a charismatic pig. At the Zuckerman Farm, Wilbur meets a silly goose, a moody sheep, a selfish rat, and Charlotte, a clever spider. In an effort to save her friend, Charlotte weaves flattering messages about him into her web that cause a sensation in the small town. Fall in love with your favorite characters all over again as they bring this “radiant” tale from page to stage this holiday season!
Production Information
Approximate Running Time
90 minutes
Charlotte/Mrs. Arable/Baby Spider 3
Avery/Goose/Gander/Carter (reporter)/Pres. Of the Fair/Uncle the Pig
Homer/Sheep/Spectator 2/Judge
Fern/Spectator 1/Baby Spider 1 & 2
Creative Team
Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for plays
Musical Director
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Adapted By
Adapted From
Based on the Book by E. B. White