Alix in Wonderland: A Gender Journey Down the Rabbit Hole

Performance Dates

The Theatre Lab's Summer Musical Theatre Institute for Teens students perform in the world premiere of Alix in Wonderland: A Gender Journey Down the Rabbit Hole, music and lyrics by Buzz Mauro and book by Norman Allen. 

A celebration of personal discovery, Alix in Wonderland is a wholly original take on social norms, self-perception, and what it really means to grow up in today’s world. A tumble down that world-famous rabbit hole brings teenage Alix face-to-face with the wild, wacky, and annoying denizens of Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland, but none of them are quite as anyone remembers them. Alix’s journey becomes one of profound questioning and exploration on the way to becoming fully and joyfully oneself.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes

Creative Team

Book Writer