"8" by Dustin Lance Black

Performance Dates
“8” is an unprecedented account of the Federal District Court trial in Perry v. Schwarzenegger (now Perry v. Brown), the case filed by AFER to overturn Proposition 8, which stripped gay and lesbian Californians of the fundamental freedom to marry. Dustin Lance Black, who penned the Academy Award-winning feature film Milk and the film J. Edgar, based “8” on the actual words of the trial transcripts, first-hand observations of the courtroom drama and interviews with the plaintiffs and their families. Bay Theatre will be donating a portion of the proceeds to AACC’s Lambda Pioneers Scholarship Fund and Equality Maryland. Tickets are $8. Following the reading there will be a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience to answer questions concerning equal rights.

Production Information

Up to $10
Approximate Running Time
90 minutes

Ticket Information