Munit Mesfin Sings Roberta Flack

Event Type
Friday, February 3, 7:30 PM
Streaming: $15, GA: $30, Table for 2 with Wine 2 Glasses of wine: $90, Table for 4 with 4 glasses of wine: $180

410 South Maple Avenue
Falls Church, VA 22046
United States

Did you know Roberta Flack comes from Arlington? We’ll be celebrating the music of the Grammy-winning artist with Munit Mesfin and her band. You might have heard the Ethiopian vocalist with the warm voice and big heart performing at Passport with Project Locrea. A long-time fan of Roberta Flack, Munit is bringing her music to life for this premiere performance. Creative Cauldron's Passport to the World of Music concert series, a five weekend musical festival featuring some of the best talent from around the DMV and the world. Concerts are in person and live streaming.
