The Tragedie of Macbeth

Performance Dates
Opening Performance

Director Michelle Shupe brings together a ten-woman cast to portray all the characters in this sharp vision of MACBETH. Actors play multiple parts, deftly navigating scenes and costume changes to match the play's brisk pace. The witches in this production embody the Norns — Norse deities responsible for the fates of humans. With set design by Jessica Moretti (from the Oscar winning team of del Toro’s Pinocchio), costumes by Elizabeth Morton, and lights by Katie McCreary, "The Tragedie of Macbeth" promises to be a stunning production.

Production Information

Show Type
Shakespeare or Classic
Approximate Running Time
130 minutes


Lady Macbeth
1st Wyrd Sister/Lennox
2nd Wyrd Sister/Lady Macduff
3rd Wyrd Sister/Macduff's Son/Gentlewoman
King Duncan/Porter/Murderer/Doctor/Hecate

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for plays
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Stage Manager