
Sarah Ugolotti
Performance Dates

What happens when a girl no bigger than a thumb finds herself lost in a great big world? She takes control of the story, of course! In this plucky retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, Thumbelina sets off to find her place in a world where she does not seem to “fit,” meeting a bashful toad, a bullying band of maybugs, a helpful field mouse, and many more friends along the way. But is her story written for her? OR can she control her destiny? Inspired by Kamishibai – a form of Japanese street theatre that uses illustrated boards to create the story-this production features live video projections, puppetry, dioramas, and other theatre magic. Thumbelina will dazzle audiences with an eye-catching celebration of individuality and friendship.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes



Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Projections/Media Designer
Adapted From
Thumbelina, the Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tale