In this wild physical comedy, the crafty Scapin, servant to the household of Geronte, jumps into the story as he first promises to help in affairs of his neighbor’s son, Octave, then to aid in those of his own charge, Leander (Geronte’s son). Both young men have fallen in love with unlikely, and penniless beauties (Hyacinth and Zerbinette), and both need money to help solve their dilemmas. Scapin knows a good ruse will always win the day and he drafts Sylvestre, Octave’s servant, into his schemes. Brimming with zany characters and improvisation, this play is an uproarious romp of hugely theatrical proportions.
"A vicarious lesson in the fine art of comic madness" —The New York Times
“A delightfully timeless farce.” - Variety