
Performance Dates
Rapunzel is a typical 16-year-old girl, with a couple small exceptions: she was stolen from her real parents by a wicked witch who pretends to be her mother, and her home is a high-security tower in the middle of nowhere. She’s content, and as far as she knows, hers is a great life...if a little boring. Excitement finds Rapunzel when the charming and handsome Prince Brian stumbles upon her remote abode, and she realizes how much she has been missing! Brian dodges the witch to visit his new friend regularly, and the two plot an escape. But the witch is crafty and casts a spell that sets the young couple on a difficult journey to happily ever after. Recommended for Ages 4+

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes



Creative Team

Costume Designer
Choreographer for musicals
Musical Director
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer