The Painted Rocks at Revolver Creek

Jeremy Keith Hunter and Marni Penning in Athol Fugard's The Painted Rocks at Revolver Creek Chris Banks
Performance Dates

Inspired by the life of outsider artist Nukian Mabuza, South African playwright Athol Fugard depicts apartheid in the 1980’s and the engrained patterns that have impacted the post-apartheid era in South Africa as well. Nukain’s painted flowers and images on the rocks dotting the fields represent an abstract vision of the painter’s life. And the interaction with the wife of the farm owner clearly depicts South Africa yesterday and today as it struggles to reconcile its past and its future. "an intimate theatrical gem" Hollywood Reporter

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes



Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Projections/Media Designer