A Number by Caryl Churchill

Performance Dates
Opening Performance

Caryl Churchill’s A Number is set in the not-too-distant future, when a father plagued by parenting doubts has secretly cloned his son, hoping not to repeat past mistakes. But as each son learns who he really is, things quickly get out of hand. Horrifying revelations emerge in a thought-provoking work that wrestles with identity, nature versus nurture, and the perils of science. Edge of the Universe Theater brings this tightly constructed, riveting work, hailed as “stunning” by The New York Times, and played by real-life father (David Bryan Jackson) and son (Max Jackson), to Gunston Arts Center Theatre II from August 8 to September 1. A Number is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. www.concordtheatricals.com

Production Information

Show Type
Approximate Running Time
70 minutes


Bernard, Michael Black

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Stage Manager