New Play Festival

Saviya Brown tears up as she watches her play, "Taken 4 Granted", at the 2011 New Play Festival Liza Harbison
Performance Dates
YPT teaches students to express themselves clearly and creatively through the art of playwriting. Our New Play Festival is an annual celebration of bold new voices. Out of more than 800 eligible students, these 12 playwrights distinguished themselves with their imaginative and compelling scripts. On April 24, we will celebrate Industry Night as some of our older students present daring new works with topics that range from a recent war veteran’s struggle to overcome his own fear to a young woman’s battle with serious illness. *Plays on this night may not be appropriate for children under age thirteen.*

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes


Eloise, Dr. May Lexa, Ms. Mellouk, Mom
Bulls, Manny the Magazine, Mason, Kenny
Brittany, Annie the Almanac, Silena Sky, Ms. Thompson
Jake, Perry the Pop-Up Book, Freddy, Mr. Pig, Bobby
Benjamin the Book, Adam, The Creator, Rob
Ms. Jones, Mother Nature, Jo
Mother, Ms. Kellogg, Leah, Little Girl
Nikki, Tracy Matthews, Jane Granger
Ms. Peterson, Emily Johnson
Carlos, Lt. Parker, Student, Cop
Mr. Anderson, Will Taylor, Fear
T, Jill Jackson
Smiley, Joanne Jackson, Rose Taylor
Dr. David Hack, Dad, Jose, The Stranger

Creative Team

Sound Designer