How to Win a Race War

Performance Dates

Things take a darkly hilarious turn with the highly-anticipated world premiere of Ian Allen’s How to Win a Race War. The three-part comic satire, replete with song-and-dance numbers, clocking in at 3 hours plus, is a parody of white supremacist “race war” fiction. Spanning more than 3 centuries of civilization, How to Win a Race War takes the audience on an epic journey from one end of the white supremacist bookcase to the other: from the fear of slave rebellions in the antebellum South, to the militant skinhead scene of 1990’s Boston, and waay beyond – into a liberal dystopian future packed with the sort of orchestrated chaos we are seeing from these dangerous groups today. Part satire, part exposé, and part horror show, How to Win a Race War is guaranteed to be an experience like no other.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
180 minutes


Tom, Sam, Adam, Brown Stud, etc.
Rolly, Alfie, Evie, etc.
Clara, Usher, General Goldenberg, Ching-Chong, etc.
Peach, Fag, LaPrecious, etc.
Raff, Thomas, Rolly, Juanita-Ming, etc.
Ann, Ev, Boonja, etc
William, Jack, Nacho, LeRoy, Sergeant, etc.
Henry T., Corporal Jackson, Jewess, Adam, etc.
Lilla, Robbie, Junior, etc.
Evelyn, Major Williams, Coach, etc.
Prologue, Paunch, Richard, Rolly, etc.

Creative Team

Costume Designer
Musical Director
Sound Designer
Projections/Media Designer