The Gospel at Colonus

William T. Newman Jr. stars as Oedipus in Avant Bard theatre's production of THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS DJ Corey Photography
Performance Dates

AVANT BARD PRESENTS the legendary African American musical The Gospel at Colonus, a soaring celebration of transcendence and the fragility of life. It transforms Sophocles’ timeless tale of the last days of Oedipus into a parable for our times. The music is an inspiring fusion of Black church gospel with blues and Motown. The show’s message of redemption is sorely needed right now. With its epic poetry and magnificent score, The Gospel at Colonus reminds us that out of the deepest sorrows, the highest and most uplifting hope can emerge.


Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes


Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for musicals
Musical Director
Book Writer
Lighting Designer
Minister Becky Mays Jenkins and the Women's Ecumenical Choir