The classic story of two young lovers divided by a family feud borrows heavily from the tradition of the Italian Comedy. Faction of Fools' high-octane adaptation, featuring five actors in a one-hour cutting, brings physical spectacularity to Shakespeare's poetry and highlights tragedy by juxtaposing it with humor. The Washington Post has called it "inspired," with "capering roughhousing physicality." Sponsored by Presented as part of the 8th Annual Capital Fringe Festival July 11 -28, 2013.
Thursday, July 11, 6:00pm
Sunday, July 14, 6:15pm
Saturday, July 20, 9:00pm
Sunday, July 21, 9:00pm
Wednesday, July 24, 10:15pm
Friday, July 26, 8:00pm
Sunday, July 28, 6:30pm