Performance Dates
A haunting poetic memory play about the tortured final days of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. The play begins outside the North Carolina asylum where Zelda Fitzgerald is receiving treatment for her mental disorder. Visiting her is her husband Scott, now reduced to hack writing in Hollywood and trying desperately to control his drinking. Their meeting is deeply disturbing, and Scott realizes that Zelda will never recover, the action shifts to a series of flashbacks which illuminate the causes of their sad plight.
A ghost story, by the one and only Tennessee Williams.
Production Information
Approximate Running Time
100 minutes
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Zelda Fitzgerald
Mrs. Campbell, Sister One, Nurse
Edouard, Intern
Hadley Hemingway, Becky, Boo Boo
Sara Murphy, Sister Two
Ernest Hemingway
Doctor Zeller, Gerald Murphy.
Creative Team
Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for plays
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer