Performance Dates
Embracing a carnivalesque topsy-turvy view of the world, the interlude questions and subverts the norms of society. First performed on the streets, this genre eventually became an integrative part of royal performances. This bawdy and playful cabaret will have you in stiches as characters riff on themes of love, jealousy, deception and entanglements. In Spanish with English surtitles.
Production Information
Approximate Running Time
120 minutes
El Chambergo, Toribio, Criado 1, Esportillero
La Baltasara, Menga, Mujer 2. Maria
La Pajaritos, Marta, Irene, Mujer 3, Bernarda
Lamparilla, Alguacil, Criado 2, Gracioso
La Grifona, Eufrasia, Maria, Mujer 1, Mujer 2
Juan Rana, Escribano, Don Gaiferos, Astrologo, Cosme Rana
La Bolichera,Doctora, Maria, Dona Esquina, Mujer 1
Creative Team
Set Designer
Costume Designer
Musical Director
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer