The Baltimore Cone sisters, Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta, daughters of German-Jewish immigrants, could have lived tranquil, appropriate lives as respected Victorian ladies. Instead, the iconic duo voraciously collected art and curios from around the world. The unassuming Etta, often overshadowed by her sister, sat demurely among art and literary geniuses of the early twentieth century while slowly amassing one of world's greatest Modern art collections. “All She Must Possess” is a highly theatrical celebration of Etta's extraordinary life. Works of art come alive and her one-time lover, Gertrude Stein, sings her praises as we watch her journey from society laughingstock to doyen of Modernity.
All She Must Possess
Performance Dates
Approximate Running Time
80 minutes
Etta Cone
Matisse/Leo Stein
Gertrude Stein/Claribel Cone
Blue Nude/Alice Toklas
Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Projections/Media Designer
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