45 Plays for 45 Presidents

Performance Dates

While Assassins manages to exterminate Presidents while maintaining an air of dignity around the office-holders themselves, 45 Plays is a gloves-off approach to the often-hilarious and alternately-poignant doings of POTUS. In this crowd-pleasing comedy, mini-plays illuminate the strengths and inevitable weaknesses of the office and its inhabitants. Regardless of who is on stage at a given time, audiences won’t be able to deny that throughout our history, the Presidency has been held (in almost equal measure) by men of greatness, the well-intentioned, and the truly destructive. From an eden-perfect George Washington to a Nixon kick-line, 45 Plays brings fun to the Presidency at NextStop.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
105 minutes



Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer