Dissonance Dance Theatre: Winter Stories

Event Type
December 9 5:00 pm

Atlas Performing Arts Center
1333 H St NE
Washington, KY 20002
United States

During a time when many enjoy The Nutcracker, Dissonance Dance Theatre presents Winter Stories. Winter Stories is an intimate evening of dance surrounding stories inspired by the cold of winter. From tales of longing, family, and determination, Winter Stories brings a theatrical presentation to “everyday feelings” most of us experience in our lives. Winter Stories features performances by The Ngoma School. Principal Choreographer Shawn Short brings new works inspired by the music of Bernard Herman, Vivaldi, Billie Eillish, Joni Mitchell, Daniel Caeser, and more.
World Premieres
In The Stillness of Moonlight (2024)
In the twilight of the night, all is clear. In The Stillness of Moonlight’s Choreographer Shawn Short creates a slow and timeless work, to the melodic score of cinematic composer Bernard Hermann. Dancers intertwine in and out of constant symbolism, feeling senses of lost, new friendships, and exploration. Demanding theatrical character along with strength, musicality, and physical surrender, In The Stillness of Moonlight tells the story of a small group of individuals who meet in the nocturnal hour during a winter evening.
Wanted (2024)
An indecisive mind becomes the center of a relationship between man and woman in Short’s Wanted. Danced to the pulsing song performed by Billie Eillish, Wanted brings relationship into question. Is this right? Are they the one? Am I ready? A dance work with jazz dance style, Wanted brings a light-natured feel to the experience of young love…when one really wants it.
Longing Thoughts (2024)
During the holidays, many thoughts rush through the mind. Classical forms of ballet and modern dance become the basis for Longing Thoughts. In Short’s Longing Thoughts, a solo female dancer reflects on personal holiday thoughts of joy, anticipation, and happiness. Joni Mitchell provides vocals as the dancer reveals and accepts her experience.
Sunset (2024)
The world is different after dark. In Short’s Sunset, breathing is the only thing the dancers grasp. A work developed by the harsh, virtuosic, and quick music composition of Hans Zimmer, Sunset is inspired by the harshness of winter (heat, loss of daylight, quick pace, and connection). An allegro pointe work filled with virtuoso movements, Sunset lives up to the notion that it’s rough after dark.
One Mo’ (2024)
“ You feeling me”? One Mo’ is a three-movement work created as a love-song-turned-love-dance. Center and performed around the soulful voices of Daniel Ceasar, Rhyan Douglas, and P.M Dawn, One Mo’ premieres Short’s contemporary balletic style as it finesses through the melodic soundscape of love, togetherness, and family.
All Ages
