Atlas Arts Lab in Concert: Gabriel Mata and Madeline Maxine Gorman

Event Type
Sunday June 4, 4PM

1333 H St NE
Washington, DC 20002
United States

Gabriel Mata presents a new work centered on experiences from the social need to define me as a queer, immigrant, with a binational identity. While paired with Gloria Anzaldúa’s theories and work of “a borderland methodology,” it is the investigation of intersectionality. It is through that that the idea of a choreographed body is introduced, challenged, and expanded. He challenges myself with: How do I un-choreograph the performing body? Rid it of its embodied notions? This work is based on the self and it is developing a practice of undoing and channeling defiance to what is “known” or “comfort.”

Madeline Maxine Gorman presents new work that explores ideas using metaphors of capitalism, the myth of American exceptionalism, and the idea of “quiet quitting” that has become a buzzword in recent months. Since the onset of the pandemic, an issue of our time has been the relationship between work and self. The new work will explore how media influences our understanding of work and how that impacts individuals and groups, particularly women and gender minorities. The performance is dynamic, fast-paced, and introspective, inviting the audience to consider and examine their own relationship with work and how it impacts their self-image.

Performances will be followed by a talk-back.

This program is generously funded by the Bernstein Family Foundation.
