Man in a Case

Performance Dates

In Chekov’s brilliant tale of humor and despair, a pair of hunters talk late into the night sharing stories: one of an anti-social man and his involvement with an aggressively extroverted woman. The second, a tale of moral ambiguity in which the protagonist forgoes his love for a married woman. Drawing from surveillances footage, folk dance, and instructional hunting videos, MAN IN A CASE creates a bridge between our time and that of these 19th-century anti-love stories. Annie-B Parson and Paul Lazar, the team behind the internationally acclaimed Big Dance Theater, bring their signature style to this world premiere adaptation.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
75 minutes

Creative Team

Set Designer
Costume Designer
Choreographer for musicals
Musical Director
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer
Video Designer, Jeff Larson
Associate Video Designer, Keith Skretch