Krapp's Last Tape

Performance Dates
Alone on his 69th birthday, a man prepares for his own “party” of sorts, surrounded by volume after volume of a life on tape. Before recording his annual account of another year gone by, Krapp carefully selects a vintage and drinks of his past. What he hears from his 39-year-old self may irrevocably change his future. In Krapp's Last Tape, Nobel Prize-winning playwright Samuel Beckett reminds us that while you may know more now than you did when you were younger, your past always has something to teach you. Oscar-nominated actor John Hurt's performance in this masterful solo-study has been heralded as "perfection" and "unmissable"(The Independent), bringing new depths to the bitterly nostalgic title character in this production from Gate Theatre in Dublin.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
50 minutes



Creative Team

Lighting Designer