
Lauren Weedman
Performance Dates
Lauren Weedman is trying to live the actor life in LA. She volunteers with Beyond Bars, an advocacy group that works in a women’s jail, hoping for an escape from her increasingly self-absorbed life. She means well, but things keep happening. Like trying to find her orientation while chatting on her cell phone about her recent evening with “really, just the tiniest bit of cocaine,” then finding out that her orientation group has overheard everything. But her saving grace is her honesty and disarming humor—she eventually admits she signed up “because a women’s jail is the only place in LA where I have a shot at being the prettiest girl in the room.” Ultimately, Weedman comes to embody women from across social divides as she comes to understand these women—and herself—on new terms.

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes

Creative Team

Set Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Designer