The Animals and Children Took To The Streets

Performance Dates
Trust no one! Suspect even your shadow! Welcome to the Bayou, a part of the city feared and loathed wherein lies the infamous Bayou Mansions; a sprawling stinking tenement block, where curtain-twitchers and peeping-toms live side by side, and the wolf... is always at the door. When Agnes Eaves and her daughter arrive late one night, does it signal hope in this hopeless place, or has the real horror only just begun? Seamlessly synchronizing live music, performance and storytelling with stunning films and animation, this is the wickedly twisted new tale from the multiple award-winning company behind the international hit Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Like a giant novel burst into life, 1927 invite you on a theatrical journey of startling originality

Production Information

Approximate Running Time
90 minutes



Creative Team

Lighting Designer
Lillian Henley, Music
Derek Andrade, Animation Assistant